YouTube is an excellent platform for creators that attract users to your products and businesses. YouTube itself doesn’t support interactivity. Many users use interactive videos to increase traffic to their YouTube channel. You can add a subscriber button to your videos on YouTube, but many of us need clarification about how to add a subscriber button on YouTube. The article will provide  detailed guide on How to Add Subscribe Button on Youtube Video.

How to Add Subscribe Button on Youtube Video

How to Add Subscribe Button on Youtube Video | Step By Step

First, open your channel on YouTube, find the option that says customize channel and then select it. After doing this, it will bring you to a new channel customization page and tools. One can easily do video editing and other things in Youtube Studio.

Then, on the top menu, choose branding and go to the bottom of the video watermark. It will help to add the subscriber button on all your videos.

It will recommend 150 x 150 pixels, so all you have to do is choose, upload a file from the computer, and select Done.

Now, it provides you with a quick preview, and you can choose the display time, like at the end of the video, the custom start time, or the whole video.

After doing the above steps, go to the top right corner and choose publish.

How to Add a Subscribe Button on YouTube Video

Then, after all these steps, when you go back to the YouTube channel and load a video, you can see the YouTube subscriber icon hovering over your video. Now, people can subscribe to your channel.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Add Subscribe Button on YouTube Channel

It is important to know how to add like and subscribe button on youtube video. We will discuss steps to add in minutes.

  1. Download the subscriber button image, and then you can select the image of the subscriber tab.How to Add Subscribe Button on Youtube Video
  2. After that, within images, choose tools, then colors, choose transparently, and once you select the image, right-click the image and press save as option.
  3. Now your image is saved, and you go to, where you can upload the videos and edit the descriptions.
  4. In the left sidebar, choose customization.
  5. Select the branding option in channel customization, where you can add the watermark to all your videos, which will be your subscriber icon.
  6. Now, it’s time to choose the image and locate it so that you can see the preview of the image saved in step 2.
  7. When displaying an image, display under time, like in which portion of the video you want to add the subscriber icon. Some people are interested in adding it, so select that, or you can add custom time; it’s all up to you.
  8. Select Publish.

Related: How to Download Audio from Youtube to Computer

How to Add or Edit a Subscribe Button to Your YouTube Videos on Mobile (iPhone and Android)

Adding a subscriber switch to your YouTube videos is a great way to enhance channel visibility and boost traffic so viewers can subscribe. This is a straightforward process in Youtube Studio that only takes a few seconds.

We will help you add a subscriber tab on YouTube videos using mobile.

  1. First, open the YouTube app and sign in.
  2. Then tap the three dotted lines in the top left corner.How to Add or Edit a Subscribe Button to Your YouTube Videos
  3. Now scroll down and click on YouTube Studio; after clicking, you will be redirected to a new page.How to Add or Edit a Subscribe Button to Your YouTube Videos
  4. Tap the customization option in the 4th step on the left side menu. Now it is opened, and you will see three options: layout, branding, and basic info. Now, you have to click on the branding tab.How to Add or Edit a Subscribe Button to Your YouTube Videos
  5. This branding page will permit you to change the profile picture, banner image, and video watermark.
  6. Now scroll below to see the video watermark section, where you embed the subscription button.watermark section
  7. Now, you can create your subscriber image or download it from the Google website.
  8. You can choose any image and right-click on it, and a down menu appears. Click on save image and download the the image
  9. Now you have downloaded the image, you can upload the image by going to the video watermark section and using the upload button.the upload button
  10. When a separate window opens, Click on the image you want to upload.
  11. Click on publish.publish
  12. Now you can see the subscriber button is added to all the uploaded videos

How to Upload a Subscriber Button for YouTube Shorts

Adding a subscriber icon to your channel is a great way to inspire viewers to stay connected and updated with our latest videos. It can also help you to develop your channel’s follower base and also help increase YT subscribers and number of viewers on your YouTube channel. Also, check the Turn off YouTube Audio.

There are many new ways to add a subscriber tab to your YouTube channel, and one of them is to add this to the channel header.

1) You can enter your channel settings and choose the add subscriber button option.

2) You can add a link to your page in the About portion of the channel.

3) It is an easy step that can be done by going into the About tab and choosing the edit option, where you can add a link for subscribing to your page in the website field.

4) if you use a custom template for a YouTube channel, the subscriber tab can be added directly to your template. It will depend on the template you are using, so always look for the template creator and instructions on how to do this.


Now you know how to add a subscribe button on your YouTube video, which is a great way to encourage viewers to follow your channel and like the content you share. Following the above simple steps, you can add a subscribe button in just a few minutes.

This article will help you add the subscriber icon on YouTube and make your channel successful because once you gain the viewer’s attention, it’s simple for them to sign up and follow your channel to watch new videos.