Neptune Views


$ 10 .00

You will get instant 2000 Views


$ 15 .00

You will get instant 3000 Views


$ 20 .00

You will get instant 4000 Views


$ 23 .00

You will get instant 5000 Views


$ 30 .00

You will get instant 7000 Views


$ 40 .00

You will get instant 10000 Views

What’s buy drip feed YouTube views service?

Drip feed YouTube views refer to a situation where views increase gradually and consistently on your YouTube channel’s different videos so that the algorithm won’t notice a sudden change in your account’s audience. However, increasing these views organically can be difficult. That is where the buy drip feed YouTube views service comes in handy. It charges a specific amount to deliver the agreed-upon number of views on your account through drip feeding.

Why Buy drip feed YouTube views – 5 Benefits

1. Attracts viewers

Viewers are automatically attracted to a YouTube video when they see multiple other people already paying attention to that. Hence, drip feed views attract more viewers with the help of feedback loops, which are beneficial for the growth of your videos.

2. Better ranking

One of the best things about drip feed YouTube views is that it helps you achieve a better ranking spot. You can achieve a higher rank by making your performance dominant in the search engine. Having more views on your account conveys that something is interesting there. Hence, more genuine followers are grabbed.

3. Sustainability

Buying drip feed YouTube views ensures the video is sustainable and visible for longer. It increases the video’s sustainability, helping it grow steadily and continue to reach the majority of the audience.

4. Reach to the Target audience

It may be challenging to reach the people interested in your account. Drip feed YouTube views lend a helping hand to meet your target audience and those interested in what you are offering through your videos. Thus, they will help promote organic growth.

5. Enhance credibility

YouTube users are likely to be interested in steady and gradual growth accounts. The video with drip feed views attracts the trust of the audience. Where else a sudden increase in the number of views may look suspicious and artificial. The strategies assist in keeping the credibility alive. 

From where to buy?

Multiple websites in the market claim to provide similar or even better services at the same or even lesser pricing. However, the majority of these providers are nothing else but scam sites because they provide instant delivery of all the comments using bot accounts, which can alarm the algorithms.

But when you shake hands with Neptuneviews, it is ensured that the full order is delivered in smaller chunks through the drip feeding method, maintaining a sense of authenticity throughout the process.

How to buy from Neptuneviews


  1. Browse Neptuneviews < hover on the services< Youtube Views.

drip feed youtube views

2. Now, look at all the offered plans and click on the “Buy now” button for your chosen plan.

Buy Drip feed Youtube Views

3. Provide all your credentials for payment.

drip feed youtube view

4. Lastly, click “Place order,” and you will be done

Buy Drip feed Youtube View

Why choose Neptuneviews?

The following are some of the perks that grant Neptuneviews an unmatched edge over its competitors currently in the market.

1. Drip feeding approach

Unlike all the other services, Neptuneviews works through the drip feeding approach. Instead of instantly boosting just the numbers, we provide all the views in small groups to adhere to all the ethical constraints defined by YouTube policies.

2. Wonderful service

The platform promises to deliver high-quality service and ensure customers receive what they pay for. Neptuneviews are better than places that charge incredibly high prices for their services.

3. Timely deliveries

Waiting for anything you have already paid for must be irritating. Some places make the one wait for delivering them they have already paid for. Well, Neptuneviews isn’t one of them. It is unique because it cares for people’s time and always looks forward to timely deliveries. The professionals work to provide you with on-time and the best service within the pre-defined time frame.

4. Customer support

Neptuneviews always looks forward to making the right customer comments, leaving them satisfied and happy. The same is why, it ensures that the Customer support is availble 24/7 to solve your issues or problems.

5. Original views

Instead of giving you fake views that may produce bad empathy on your YouTube video, Neptuneviews ensures that you receive views derived from completely real accounts. This way, it won’t affect the algorithm and increases the views naturally over time.


Drip feeding is one of the most effective approaches to accelerate your account’s success without offending algorithm gods. Neptuneviews provides 100% real, authentic, and cheap YouTube views through the drip feeding method to enhance engagement, boost traffic, increase credibility, and let you enjoy vast exposure in no time.

FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best drip speed?

The speed is set after searching over what elements should be avoided or can cause a drawback. For example, a sudden change could be suspicious. People may find it odd if your video has five views on one day and 1000 views on the second day.

Drip feed views work wonders for your video’s engagement and visibility by gradually increasing over a few days or weeks. This method ensures your video’s growth looks organic, avoiding any suspicion or drawbacks.

Can I buy slow drip feed YouTube views?

It is possible to go for slow drip feed YouTube views. These packages can be customized depending on your desired speed and look good to you. You can select the one most suitable for you.

Do they guarantee real views when we buy drip feed YouTube views?

The simple answer is yes. Buying drip feed YouTube views is better for your video as it helps attract organic growth, gradually. Organic growth is very beneficial for your account and leads to an increase in the number of views as well.

What mode of payment are available when buying the drip feed YouTube views?

Well, it depends on where you buy the drip feed YouTube views. You can pay through PayPal, credit card, crypto, or debit card.