With over 113 million daily active content creators, YouTube is a great platform to use in your free time. Whether you are looking for recipes stuck on a math problem, preparing for an upcoming exam, learning about new fashion trends, or want to pass the time watching your favorite drama series, YouTube has it all. It is also important to know How to Block Channels on YouTube which is not good for you.
Nevertheless, there might be specific channels whose content doesn’t align with your interests, but they keep popping up on your screen. A good idea to get rid of these videos’ is blocking that particular channel from scratch. But you need to learn how to do it. Well, don’t worry, as we have got you covered. Keep reading; the forthcoming content will show you how to block a YouTube channel or video on your mobile and desktop.
So, without any further ado, let’s start.
Method 1: Block YouTube Channels From Appearing on Your Feed on a mobile phone
Blocking a channel through mobile is a straightforward process. Just follow the step-by-step guide mentioned below:
Step 1: Open the YouTube application
Unlock your phone, swipe up, find the YouTube app from your phone’s app gallery. Stay sure to open the usual YouTube app rather than YT Studio or YouTube Kids app, as their logos are similar.
Step 2: Navigate to the video
Scroll through your feed to find a video you want to block. You may find it on your new feed if it consistently appears on your screen. If not, use the search bar to land on that.
Step 3: Tap on dots
You will notice an icon featuring three vertical dots underneath the video. Tap on it.
Step 4: Block the channel
Lastly, click on “Don’t recommend the channel,” and YouTube will block all the videos of that channel from popping up on your screen ever again. Even if you search for it, the channel and its videos will only appear in the search results untill you unblock it. If you think this is not the accurate channel and instantly want to unblock it, click on the “Undo” button that appears for 10 to 15 seconds after your action.
Nevertheless, if the button disappears and you still want to unblock the channel, navigate to the Google Accounts setting to unblock the account.
Method 2: How to block channels on YouTube: PC/ Desktop
You can also use your PC or desktop to block the YouTube channel. Here is how you do it
Step 1: Open the YouTube site
Open the YouTube site on your browser through the already created shortcut or type youtube.com on your browser.
Step 2: Look for the video
Scroll through your YouTube feed if that specific channel’s video frequently appears on your news feed. Or use the search bar to find it.
Step 3: Select the icon and Block it
When you have found that video, look for an icon with three vertical dots that you must see at the bottom right corner (in front of the video’s title) and click on it.
A short drop-down menu will appear featuring all the basic and essential setting options. Look for: “Don’t recommend channel.” YouTube will instantly block the account, preventing any of its videos from appearing on your computer news feed.
Step 4: The Undo option
You can click the “Undo button” or “Google Account Settings” if you accidentally blocked the wrong channel.
Method 3: How to Block Channels on Youtube App through the “Block User Option- Mobile phone
Sometimes, method 1 prevents the video from appearing on your home screen. Yet it might appear on your results. To eliminate that, YouTube allows you to individually block videos and the channel owner from scratch. In addition, this way, you also prevent that channel to comment on your videos. Here is how you do it through a mobile phone.
Step 1: Open the YouTube app
Open the YouTube app from your phone’s app gallery and search for the specific channel name you want to target. You can also type any video title to reach the channel if you need to remember its name clearly.
Step 2: Navigate to the channel
Using YouTube account, Look for your targeted channel and tap on it. The YouTube will redirect you to the homepage of that channel.
Step 3: Block the user
Navigate the “About” section on the channel you want to block and scroll down until you find the flag icon. Click upon it, and a short drop-down menu will appear on the screen. Here, you will find an option saying ” Block User.” Click on it.
Step 4: Submit and Confirm
Now, YouTube will ask you one last time whether you want or not to reverse the action. So step back briefly and think if you wish to block the channel. If the answer is still yes, hit the Submit button. And YouTube will block that channel for once and all.
Method 4: Blocking the YouTube Channel with User Block Option
You can also implement the User Block option for blocking through a desktop PC. Here is how:
Step 1: Browse the YouTube site.
Open your browser and navigate to the YouTube homepage via youtube.com. You can open the site through any shortcut as well.
Step 2: Find your target YouTube channel
Search for the name of your target channel. Look for it in the long list that will appear under the search results. Remember that the platform has multiple channels with the same name. And you want to make sure to block the right one. So carefully search for it. You can take the help of YouTube videos, profile pictures, and the number of subscribers to consider the accurate option.
Related: Real YouTube Subscribers
Step 3: Block it
Once you land on the correct account, click on it and navigate to the “About” section. Here, scroll down until you see a flag icon. Click on it, and a small drop-down menu will appear. Find the option that says “Block this user.” Click on it.
Step 4: Submit your request
This is the last moment to stop the process. If you are sure to block it, submit your request, and YouTube will instantly block the account and its video to appear on your news feed and the search result page.
Take Control of Your YouTube Experience
Apart from blocking the YouTube channels, there are many other ways to take complete control of your YouTube channel, including the following.
Enhance security with two-factor authentication.
Enabling two-factor authentication is a great way to prevent your news feed from getting spoiled. It works by verifying that it’s you who is using the app. You can enable it under the security tab of your Google Account Settings.
Promptly review your account permissions.
If you are a parent or an elder sibling forced to share their mobile phones with their younger ones, you might end up with a messed up account. So make sure to have a keen eye on the permissions and check whether the kids have enabled any unnecessary features.
Upload and manage your content.
If you are a content creator who wants to make it big in the least possible time frame, managing your uploaded content is the key you need. Click on the camera icon at the top of the page to upload a video.
For managing, creating playlists, and categorizing each of your videos separately. This way, the audience will easily find the video of their interest on your account. Plus, your channel looks professional as well.
The Bottom Line
Some YouTube channels might haunt your news feed with irrelevant content and boring videos. A brilliant idea to eliminate these is blocking that YouTube channel from scratch. The content above unleashes two methods to help you block any YouTube channel from mobile and PC. We hope after going through this article you get the answer of can you block youtube channels.