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Have you muted someone on Instagram due to their annoying messages, posts, or stories but have changed your mind and decided to unmute them? If yes, learn how to unmute someone on Instagram through their Profile or Instagram Homepage.

Muting someone’s Instagram stories and posts can effectively manage your social media experience and avoid annoying, triggering, or irrelevant content. However, there may be times when you want to reconnect with them by unmuting them.

Therefore, read this guide to walk through the easy steps to unmute someone on Instagram.

How to Unmute Someone on Instagram on iPhone or Android

Follow these steps to unmute someone on Instagram on your iPhone or Android mobile.

  • To unmute someone on Instagram, open the Instagram app on your phone.

How to Unmute Someone on Instagram on iPhone or Android

  • After pop up the Instagram app, log in if necessary and open your Profile by tapping the profile picture in the bottom right of your phone’s screen.
  • Once Profile is opened, tap the three-dot line icon in the right corner of your iPhone or Android screen and open Instagram Settings.

How to Unmute Someone on Instagram on iPhone or Android

  • After opening the Instagram Settings, scroll down until you find the Notification section.

How to Unmute Someone on Instagram on iPhone or Android

  • Tap and select Push Notifications.

How to Unmute Someone on Instagram on iPhone or Android

  • Under the Push Notifications section, click on the Muted Accounts. It will show the list of Instagram accounts you have muted.

How to Unmute Someone on Instagram on iPhone or Android

  • Choose the Account from the list you want to unmute. Tapping an account will show a pop-up that allows you to unmute notifications for that Account.
  • Once the Instagram account is selected, tap on Unmute. After this step, you will return to the list of muted accounts. The Account you unmuted will no longer be visible on the list.

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How to Unmute Someone’s Instagram Posts

If you accidentally have muted someone’s Instagram posts and want to unmute them, follow these steps.

  • Open the Instagram profile or Account of the person you want to unmute.
  • Once the Profile is open, tap the Following section, located to the left of the Message section on your phone’s screen.

How to Unmute Someone's Instagram Posts

  • From there, select the Mute Section.

How to Unmute Someone's Instagram Posts

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How to Unmute Someone’s Instagram Story on iPhone or Android

If you mute someone’s Instagram Story but want to reconnect by unmuting it, you can do that easily. This also helps you find those muted accounts that you forgot you have muted them.

To this:

  • Open the Instagram app on your phone and login if needed.
  • Scroll through your Story Feed on the top of the screen until you find a greyed-out icon on a Story. That greyed icon shows the muted Story.

How to Unmute Someone's Instagram Story on iPhone or Android

  • Click and hold the greyed-out Profile Picture.

How to Unmute Someone's Instagram Story on iPhone or Android

  • This will show the Unmute
  • Tap Unmute Story.

How to Unmute Someone's Instagram Story on iPhone or Android

Why Can’t I Unmute Someone on Instagram? Key Reasons

If you are unable to unmute someone on Instagram, there could be multiple reasons behind this trouble, like the person you want to unmute has blocked you, or you need to follow them. Here are the key reasons why you can’t unmute someone on Instagram. Also, check the See Unsent Messages on Instagram.

  1. THEY HAVE BLOCKED YOU: If the person you want to unmute has blocked you from Instagram, you will not be able to see their posts, stories, or messages and cannot unmute them until they unblock you.
  2. YOU DON’T FOLLOW THEM: You cannot unmute someone if you don’t follow them on Instagram.
  3. TECHNICAL ISSUES: There can be technical glitches or issues on Instagram occasionally. Therefore, you can unmute someone if Instagram is not working.
  4. THEY HAVE DELETED OR DISABLED THEIR ACCOUNTS: If the person you want to unmute has deleted his Instagram account, you cannot unmute them.

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If the person you want to unmute has yet to block you from Instagram, but you still cannot unmute him, the app may be working properly. To fix the functionality issues:

  • Check your internet connectivity and ensure you have a stable connection.
  • Update your Instagram app because outdated versions can disturb the app’s functionality.
  • If the Instagram app is functioning properly, try logging out and logging back in.
  • If logging out and logging back in does not work, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app on your phone.

If all these steps need to be fixed and you still cannot unmute someone on Instagram, contact Instagram’s Support Team for help!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to unmute people from Instagram?

To unmute people from Instagram:

  • Open your Instagram profile
  • Search the Instagram Account you want to unmute
  • Tap their account name to visit their Profile
  • Click on the three lines on the top right of the screen
  • Then tap Mute or Unmute that Profile

How do you unmute a single Instagram story?

To unmute a single specific Instagram story from your main feed:

  • Scroll your main story feed on your iPhone or Android screen.
  • Find the muted stories that look slightly greyed.
  • Tap and hold on to that Story
  • Now, choose Unmute Story.

How to unmute Reels on Instagram?

To unmute Instagram Reels:

  • Adjust the volume if the sound is not playing on Instagram Reels
  • If the volume adjustment does not work, tap once in the middle of your phone’s screen to toggle the sound on the Reel.

How long does a mute last for people on Instagram?

A mute for people on Instagram lasts until you unmute them manually.

Can I unmute people on Instagram without following them?

No! You can only unmute people or friends on Instagram once you follow them.

Final Verdict

Unmuting someone on Instagram is a simple and quick process if you want to reconnect with them. By following the steps outlined above on how to unmute someone on Instagram, you will be able to mute people in just a few minutes. Remember, unmuting people on Instagram means you will start getting notifications from their Accounts again about their posts and stories. So, unmute only the Instagram accounts that you want to reconnect.